Discover and experience Alex’s art through the effect light and shadow have on the everyday forms of his subjects. From the traditional styles to the modern influences, explore the world of still life paintings in oil and watercolour. His art brings together the best of both worlds - the classic and the contemporary, for a unique blend that displays his unique style and technique.
Prospectus ex lumine.
‘View from the light’
I always find peace, solitude and serenity when creating my work, which I feel is reflected in the singular pieces created for this collection. With the subjects being commonly found in most peoples kitchens or larders, gives that sense of familiarity of each painting. However, I wanted to create impact and feeling that is resonated by each humble subject through the power of light and shadow. I also enjoy the playful way brush strokes and colour can suggest the texture within the observed subjects. This can bring both softness or harshness that gives the illusion of realism from afar.
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A note from Alex…
I have lived in Cambridge for over ten years, where I started with my studies at university. After falling in love with the city I now call home, I am currently settled in Fen Ditton with my partner and dog. From studying Fine Art in my earlier years, I somewhat lost the time to pursue this pathway full time, due to the everyday workings of life. However, on reflection, no matter how busy life is, I always revert back someway or another to painting.
After observing a lemon I had purchased and left on the counter top, I noticed the sun beaming on its waxy surface. This created such a complex array of colours and tones from a simple object. After staring at this lemon for far too long, I had an epiphany, to which initiated my renaissance in focusing and dedicating my time to creating collections of artwork.
Whether it’s through the classic style and use of oil paint to a more contemporary and suggestive style of watercolour and pen, I want to create artwork that is instantaneously recognisable but something that you can subjectively observe with intrigue.
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